
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Test flight 2

This is my groups test flight 2 slide.
We have learnt not to have a really heavy nose cone because it goes down to fast and it will crash.
I enjoy watching to see what the rocket will do.
I wonder If our rocket will break again.

What's the weather part 2

This is my groups What's the weather part 2.
I have learnt what a barometer is and what it does.
I like gessing to see if there is high or low pressure.
I wonder if there will be high or low pressure tomorrow?

Monday, June 29, 2020

Rocket stability test

This is my groups rocket stability test.
I have learnt how to modify my rocket to make it better.
I enjoyed  the swing test the most.
I wonder if my rocket will successfully launch.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What's the weather part 3

This is my rocket group N.J.R.L What's the weather slide.
We learnt what is the purpose of the weather vane and how to make it.
I enjoyed testing the weather vane a seeing which direction the wing was blowing.
I wonder what direction the wind will blow tomorrow.
Something you are still wondering about.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Shrove Tuesday flow chart

This is my Shrove Tuesday flow chart. 
I have learnt how to make Shrove Tuesday while making the flowchart.
I wonder how good it will taste.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Rocket test flight 1

This is my groups test flight number 1 with our rocket.
We have learnt all the safety rules for blasting a rocket off.
I enjoyed watching the rocket fly it was so fun!!! 
I wonder how high the rocket went?

N.J.R.L safety poster

This is my groups safety poster.
We learnt how to safely blast off a rocket.
It was so fun blasting the rocket off.
I wonder if one of our rockets can go 100m high.